Gift And Souvenir Shops

Gift and souvenir shops are frequent in the Bled area, for those who may want to bring something special home.

Bled Island gift shop (gift and souvenir shop)
Address: Otok 2, 4260 Bled
Coordinates: 46.36209, 14.08999
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 11 km (12 minutes drive-time) + a 20 minute drive with the Pletna boat
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 1 km (10 minutes walk) + a 20 minute drive with the Pletna boat
Opening Hours: May-Sep daily 9:00-19:00; Apr & Oct daily 9:00-18:00; Nov-Mar daily 9:00-16:00
Interior of Bled Island gift and souvenir shop in Bled, Slovenia

Triglavska Roza gift shop (gift and souvenir shop)
Address: Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled
Coordinates: 46.36887, 14.11888
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 10 km (11 minutes drive-time)
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 0,7 km (8 minutes walk)
Opening Hours: Apr 15-Oct 15 daily 8:00-18:00; Oct 16-Apr 14 daily 8:00-16:00
Interior of Triglavska Roza gift and souvenir shop in Bled, Slovenia

Herbarium Bled (souvenir shop)
Address: Ljubljanska cesta 4, 4260 Bled
Coordinates: 46.36705, 14.10983
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 10 km (12 minutes drive-time)
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 0,8 km (9 minutes walk)
Opening Hours: Jul 01-Sep 30 daily 9:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00; Oct 01-Jun 30 daily 10:00-13:00 and 17:00-19:00
Interior of Herbarium Bled souvenir shop in Bled, Slovenia

Sitra gift shop (gift and souvenir shop)
Address: Ljubljanska cesta 4, 4260 Bled
Coordinates: 46.36705, 14.10983
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 10 km (12 minutes drive-time)
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 0,8 km (9 minutes walk)
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 08:00-19:00; Sunday closed
Interior of Sitra gift and souvenir shop in Bled, Slovenia

Zlatarna Celje Bled, Grad 212 (jewellery)
Address: Cesta svobode 9, 4260 Bled
Coordinates: 46.36992, 14.10716
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 10 km (12 minutes drive-time)
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 1,1 km (14 minutes walk)
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 09:00-19:00; Sunday 10:00-18:00
Interior of Zlatarna Celje Bled jewellery

Zlatarna Pavlovski (jewellery and souvenir shop)
Address: Cesta svobode 7a, 4260 Bled
Coordinates: 46.37026, 14.10714
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 10 km (12 minutes drive-time)
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 1,1 km (14 minutes walk)
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 09:00-19:00; Sunday 10:00-18:00
Exterior of Zlatarna Pavlovski jewellery in Bled, Slovenia

Beekeeping Noc (honey and bee products and gifts)
Address: Selo pri Zirovnici 42, 4274 Zirovnica
Coordinates: 46.398596, 14.143697
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay: 3 km (4 minutes drive-time)
Distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled: 10 km (10 minutes drive-time)
Opening Hours: Upon prior appointment
Interior of Beekeeping Noc, a honey and bee products and gifts shop in Zirovnica, Slovenia

Map with directions to some of the gift and souvenir shops that can be reached in 15 minutes’ drive from Apartments Fine Stay

Map with directions to some of the gift and souvenir shops that can be reached within a walking distance from Apartments Fine Stay Bled

One thought on “Gift And Souvenir Shops”

  1. Hi –
    I’m looking for a hand painted wooden plate of the Lake Bled castle and was wondering if you had any!

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